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Баҫылды : 14-01-2014, 13:34 | Категория: Арҙаҡлы шәхестәр / Easy English

Просмотров 3 038
"Аҡбуҙат"та баҫылған:, йыл
Рубрика:Арҙаҡлы шәхестәр / Easy English
Автор:Translated by G.M.Nuriakhmetov
[right]One of the most famous celebrities in Bashkortostan is Mustai Karim, an outstanding modern Bashkir poet, playwright, publicist, and public figure.

Mustai Karim was born in 1919 in the village of Klyash, Chishma district. His 80th birthday was celebrated both in the Republic of Bashkortostan and in the Russian Federation at large.

Mustai Karim has made a valuable contribution to the development of Bashkir culture and literature. His books are translated into many languages in the Russian Federation and abroad. Mustai Karim’s works have become an integral part of world culture.

For his outstanding services to the country Mustai Karim has got many honorary titles and government awards, orders, and medals.

Mustai Karim is a Hero of Socialist Labour, an Honoured Art Worker of the RSFSR, a National poet of the BASSR, an Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Bashkortostan. Also, Mustai Karim is a State Prize Laureate of the USSR, a Lenin Prize Laureate, an Honorary Citizen of Ufa.

Mustai Karim’s early poems were published in 1939, when he was twenty years old. In his first poems “The detachment has made a start” (“Отряд тронулся”), “Spring voices” (“Весенние голоса”) Mustai Karim proves to be a lyric poet.

In 1941 Mustai Karim graduated from the Bashkir Pedagogical Institute. As a journalist, he had to travel a lot about the Republic, meet different people, witness many historical events and take part in them, including the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

During the war he published a great many poems in which he glorified common people – soldiers, their hardships and heroic deeds, their firm belief in victory, but he did it in simple, laconic words without unnecessary pathos. His poems are highly lyrical, they are full of love for nature, for life, for common people, for his compatriots and his Homeland.

Mustai Karim’s poetic manner is characterized by a peculiar affection for metaphor. Metaphor in poetry is known as the sister of brevity. It turns poetic lines into aphorisms. Many of them sound like proverbs and sayings. In his literary work Mustai Karim makes good use of Bashkir folklore as well as his own creative gift. Here are some metaphors he uses in his poems: “he hurries who is awaited by joy” (“торопится лишь тот, кого ждет радость”), “fire and water cannot be brought together” (“огонь и воду не породнить”), “so rich is our black soil that it can be spread on a roll” (“чернозем благодатный наш – хоть возьми да на хлеб намажь”), “he carried a sword as he wouldn’t carry a rag” (“носил он саблю только потому, что не хотел надеть суму”).

Mustai Karim’s poems are translated into many languages. Among the translators of his works are Mikhail Dudin, Sergei Orlov, Yelena Nikolayevskaya and others.

One of Mustai Karim’s best lyrical poems is “Flowers on the stone” written at the front in 1945. The poem was translated into Russian by Veronika Tushnova. Here are a few lines from it in Russian and in English:

Любимая, ты помнишь об Урале,

О синих далях, о весенних днях,

О том, как мы однажды любовались

Цветами, выросшими на камнях?

My love, do you remember the Urals,

The blue open spaces, those spring days,

And the way we admired, once, the flowers

Growing on stones?

The heroic spirit and tragedy of the Great Patriotic War are reflected in his poems “My Horse” (“Мой конь”), “December Song” (“Декабрьская песня”), “Ulmasbai” (“Ульмасбай”), “Black Waters” (“Черные воды”), etc. In his wartime poems Mustai Karim glorifies the humanistic mission of the Red Army.

Mustai Karim’s post-war literary activity became even more fruitful and acquired new facets (грани). The problems he wrote about grew more variegated, the message of his poems – deeper, broader and more philosophical. Among them are such collections of his poems as “Europe-Asia” (“Европа-Азия”), “The Rivers Talk” (“Реки разговаривают”), “Four Seasons of Love” (“Четыре времени любви”), etc.

Mustai Karim is also known as a playwright. His plays have become the priceless treasures of the Bashkir drama. They are staged in different languages both in this country and abroad. Among the most popular plays are the dramas “The Country of Aigul” (“Страна Айгуль”), “Unmounted Makhmut” (“Пеший Махмут”), the comedy “Abduction of a Girl” (“Похищение девушки”), the tragedies “In the Night of Lunar Eclipse” (“В ночь лунного затмения”),”Keep the Fire Burning, Prometheus” (“Не бросай огонь, Прометей”).

We are lucky to see many performances of the Bashkir State Drama Theatre, though we see them mostly on TV. We are very fond of Mustai Karim’s plays. We enjoy reading them and watching them on the stage and screen.

We find Mustai Karim’s works very informative, didactic and thought-provoking.

The poet has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism. Mustai Karim is an ardent patriot of Bashkortostan, but at the same time he is a man of broad outlook on life. His poems help the readers realize that the common interests of nations are greater and more important than their differences. This idea is very essential for our multinational country. Here are two stanzas from Mustai Karim’s poem “I am a citizen of Russia” (“Я – россиянин”):

Не русский я, но россиянин. Ныне

Я говорю, свободен и силен;

Я рос, как дуб зеленый на вершине,

Водою рек российских напоен.

С башкиром русский – спутники в дороге,

Застольники – коль брага на столе,

Соратники – по воинской тревоге,

Навеки сомогильники – в земле.

I am not a Russian, but I am a citizen of Russia,

I speak, I’m free and I’m strong.

I have grown up like an oak on the hill

Absorbing the waters of Russian rivers.

A Bashkir and a Russian are companions on a journey,

They are at one table if there is wine on it.

They’re companions-in-arms when there is a battle alarm,

And share the same earth when they die.

(Translated by G.M.Nuriakhmetov)

Though most of us are much younger than Mustai Karim, we are lucky to be his contemporaries at the turn of the centuries and to be able to read and enjoy his wonderful works and to learn the wisdom of life from them.[/right][left]

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